Beat Candida Programme

This is a specific programme designed to help beat the unpleasant and pervasive symptoms associated with Candida and yeast over growth. Candida and associated yeast overgrowth are notoriously difficult to eliminate and they originate in the bowel. The programme focuses on rebalancing the delicate environment of the bowel and restoring the integrity of the gut lining for greater resistance and improved immunity

The Beat Candida Programme is suitable:

  • In the case of Candida and Yeast related symptoms such as chronic/recurrent thrush
  • To improve hormonal detoxification and symptom related to oestrogen toxicity such as PMT, Menopausal Symptoms, breast cancer and difficulties conceiving 
  • In case of chronic fatigue, ME, and depleted immunity
  • To gain energy and mental clarity
  • To manage allergies and environmental illnesses
  • In the treatment of chronic cystitis, acne, PID, etc

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