Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse

milk thistle

Our livers are regularly challenged by our lifestyle and by the environmental pollution in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. A well functioning liver is fundamental to the functioning of our digestion and elimination. It is involved in maintaining hormonal balance and healthy blood composition. Ultimately liver and gall bladder support will benefit all the other programmes and improve general health

The Liver and Gall Bladder Cleanse is recommended:

  • In the case of bloating and digestive discomfort
  • In the case of burping and heart burn
  • In the case of diagnosed fatty liver
  • To improve hormonal detoxification and related symptoms
  • To gain energy and mental clarity
  • To improve mood and general well being
  • To help in the management of blood sugar and blood cholesterol levels

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Symptoms of toxic overload

Even if exposure to poisons and pollution is unfortunately largely beyond our control, some of us are better at detoxing than others. This depends mostly on

polution why detox

Why detox?

  We are surrounded by poisons from hormones in our water to pesticides, plastics, perfumes and flamme retardants. Pollution, our diet, lifestyle and stress levels

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