Colonic Hydrotherapy: Fertility and hormonal balance

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Hormonal symptoms are many and hormone driven pathologies on the increase. Environmental factors, stress and an ageing population means that therapists are increasingly 
dealing with distressed couples unable to conceive, men suffering from erectile dysfunction and women tormented by hormonal tidal.

Without a doubt modern life plays a significant part in hormone imbalances because of the direct impact of stress on adrenals and on the Hypothalamus (the master control of hormone production).  However to put everything down to stress and limit understanding to the ratio of one hormone versus another can limit treatment strategies, reduce success and in the long term may cause unwanted side-effects.

To take a wholistic view means that we don’t just look at hormones, their influence and their effects, we also look at how the body will regulate their levels. By supporting regulatory functions alongside hormone production we can ensure that overall health is improved rather than simply get rid of undesirable symptoms or achieve an elusive pregnancy. Typically HRT will get rid of hot flashes but may end up increasing the risk of breast cancer [1]while IVF will often leave a woman feeling battered and increases her chances of post-partum depression[2].

The factors that directly influence hormonal production and are commonly addressed by hormone specialists (medical or otherwise) include:

  • Stress
  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Sexual intercourse
  • Fat/protein ration
  • Insulin resistance
  • Diseases such as tumours, hypothyroidism etc.

However the factors that control hormonal levels and significantly influence their ratio are

  1. The rate of detoxification by the liver. This will depend on constitution, emotional state (typically anger and resentment will damage the liver) and an individual’s toxic load. The physical state of the liver (fatty, tight or hard) and the presence of gall stones will also impact on liver function and control overall hormonal equilibrium.
  2. The rate of elimination through the bowel. Constipation is very common and is influenced by diet, bowel flora, bowel PH and bile salts.
  3. The type of gut flora and potential unwanted residents in the bowel. Certain types of gut bacteria have been shown to re-conjugate the metabolites of oestrogen detoxification thus fabricating oestrogen and greatly adding to the oestrogen load. Parasites and gut pathogen contribute to gut inflammation and leaky gut which will also increase considerably the toxic load on the liver.

Often neglected, those factors, if addressed, can make the difference between success and failure when treating someone experiencing hormonal symptoms or unable to conceive.

Colonic hydrotherapy has a direct effect on all three factors.

  1. It increases the detoxification rate of the liver by stimulating the Vagus nerve and because of the physical manipulation of the viscera that is part of the treatment.
  2. It clears the bowels
  3. It affects gut flora, flushes unwandered pathogen and can influence the type of organism that will thrive in the gut

When combined with additional detoxification support, such as liver flushing, colonic hydrotherapy effectively treats infertility and hormonal symptoms.

Colonic is also invaluable in supporting dietary measures designed to improve gut flora and treat issues such as Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) which is a common underlying cause of infertility and oestrogen overload.

The following are measures that can be taken while under-taking a course of Colonic Hydrotherapy to rectify hormonal balance and improve the chances of conception

To improve hormone detoxification and support the liver

  1. Reduce toxicity especially oestrogen toxicity caused by chemicals such as BPA in plastics, and chemicals found in water. Eat organic, take spirulina and other detoxification support
  2. Reduce heavy metal toxicity by eliminating possible sources. Check levels through hair testing and take measures accordingly
  3. Regular short fasts
  4. High nutrition diet with enough cofactors such as B vitamins, zinc and magnesium
  5. Liver and gall bladder flushes combined with colonic hydrotherapy
  6. Take milk thistle and lecithin regularly
  7. Colonic hydrotherapy with coffee implants

To improve elimination of hormone metabolite through the bowel and kidneys

  1. Increase fibre in diet especially from flax but chia, apple pectin  and oat bran are also useful
  2. Drink at least 1.5 litter of water per day and consider kidney cleansing protocol if there is issues with cystitis, vaginosis and or PID
  3. Have regular colonic hydrotherapy which include abdominal massage and visceral release
  4. Take a good quality probiotic supplement that contains acidophilus Reuteri and Rhamnosus[3]

To improve bowel flora

  1. Use herbs such as thyme rosemary and oregano
  2. Use coconut (oil) and caprylic acid supplements
  3. Take a strong digestive enzyme with every meal
  4. Take a strong probiotic supplement that contains bido-bacteria
  5. Consider eliminating fermentable sugars  (FODMAP) found in certain vegetables and fruits, dairy and gluten
  6. Do a comprehensive stool test
  7. Have regular colonic hydrotherapy treatments

For information about becoming a colonic practitioner

Anne-Lise has been training in colonic hydrotherapy and applied nutrition since 1995. She is an experienced teacher and therapist. She has a deep interest for wholistic health and the connections between mental/emotional, physical and nutritional aspects of well-being.

Last year she published her first book “Too Young To Grow Old” which has received many enthusiastic reviews

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