Foot therapy was practised by Native American tribes, and in Ancient Egypt. There is evidence that reflexology was developed as early as 4,000BC in China, where its use remains widespread. Schoolchildren in Beijing are taught the art of reflexology and encouraged to do it on each other.
Relexology treats the whole body via reflexes charted on the sole of the feet. Those area can be connected physiologically through nerve and connective tissue pathways or energetically through meridian.
A reflexologist “reads” the body via the feet – crunchiness, soreness or “hollowness” in an area indicates a problem in the related organ or body part – she then applies pressure to trigger the body’s healing processes.
The aim of reflexology is to restore balance in of the nervous system thus supporting body and organ function.
The effect of the treatment is a deep sense of relaxation and wellbeing. Reflexology will help treat stress-relatedd symptoms such as anxiety, insomnia and fatigue. It is also effective with digestive and homnonal issues. I can also help with knee and back pain as it improves feet muscles, the positioning of feet and their smooth mouvement